Plot 42, 25th Ward, The Goblet {Lich}
Closest Aetheryte: (Sultana's Breath Subdivision)
OPENS: Wednesday 1st May @ 5pm ST / 6pm BST


  • Fighting takes place downstairs in the TKO ring. Nowhere else inside.

  • This is a SFW venue. No NSFW or ERP.

  • Yell chat is reserved for commentary! Shout chat is reserved for fighters currently fighting.

  • Avoid Drama! We all know how RNG can be at times. Best to chalk it up as one of those days and move on. If you do have any questions or concerns feel free to take it into PM/DM/Tells!

  • Champions will be rewarded with a trophy in game and will be put into the Hall Of Fame!

  • All fighters and patrons are expected to follow the rules. Failure to do so will result in disqualifications and repeat offenses can lead to bans.

  • If you sign up and you don't show up on the night without prior warning or valid reasoning, you are susceptible to being banned from partaking in further events.


  • Fighters will be invited to a party in which they will do /dice in party chat to determine the order of who attacks.

  • From there the fighters will continue to do /dice to attack and defend. Attack when its your turn, defend when its not.

  • First to 3 hits wins! If you're fighting for the championship the first to hit 5 times wins! Fights will be restricted to a 25 minute time limit! The FINALS will be first to 5 hits within a 45 minute time limt!

  • If the time limit expires the person with the most hits wins! If both fighters are still tied for hits then we go to sudden death with whoever rolls the highest wins the fight.

  • Fighters will post their responses in shout chat.

The Hall Of Fame recognizes previous champions from TKO's past. Win and you etch your name into the annals of history.